Djangae Contrib Backup

An app to help manage datastore backups.

Basic usage

By default all registered models are backed up to a bucket in Google Cloud Storage. Each backup is created with an enclosing directory named for the start time of the backup (this helps keep your backups organised).

  • Enable datastore admin in the Cloud Console for your application.
  • Add backup url to main file:
    url(r'^tasks/', include('djangae.contrib.backup.urls'))
  • Add backup entry to cron.yaml:
- description: Scheduled datastore backups
  url: /tasks/create-datastore-backup/
  schedule: every day 07:00
  • Define a backup queue in queue.yaml (optional, see DJANGAE_BACKUP_QUEUE below):
- name: backups
  rate: 50/s
  • Add required settings to
  • Add 'djangae.contrib.backup' to settings.INSTALLED_APPS (if you want the tests to run).

Other optional settings


By default backups will be created using the application's default cloud storage bucket, in a directory named "djangae-backups". If your application is named "foo-bar-baz", then the default cloud storage bucket is "" and backups will be created in "".

Add DJANGAE_BACKUP_GCS_BUCKET to settings to change the target bucket, or to change the destination directory.

For example DJANGAE_BACKUP_GCS_BUCKET="my-first-bucket" would use the "my-first-bucket" cloud storage bucket for backups, and the backups would be created in the root of the bucket.


Set DJANGAE_BACKUP_NAME to a string to change the name used by the backup service to identify backups. Defaults to "djangae-backups".


Set DJANGAE_BACKUP_QUEUE to a string naming a queue that will be used to schedule backup tasks. The queue must be defined in your project's queue.yaml file. Defaults to the default App Engine queue.

Exclude all models from certain applications:


Exclude specific models

Use the form <app_label>_<model_name>
