
Djangae provides two storage backends. and

If you've imported djangae.settings_base.*, then the default backend is If you want to configure it manually in a settings module, you can set your DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE accordingly e.g. DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = ''.

Cloud Storage is a django storage backend that works with Google Cloud Storage, you can treat it just as you would with other storage backends. Google Cloud storage is a general purpose storage backend.

To use this you need to install the GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient library.

  • Cloud storage will use the default bucket name CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET unless specified with BUCKET_KEY in your

Limitations assumes the bucket and the files to be served are public. If that's not the case, the returned file url is not accessible.


Before you read ahead, a few notes on this workaround: - It hasn't been carefully tested in different browsers. - The url doesn't work on Firefox (12.0) when using Enhanced Tracking Protection - The url doesn't work in Safari (testd on 16.2) if Prevent Cross-site tracking option is enable in Settings > Privacy.

GCP storage has different types of endpoints. Specifically Authenticated browser downloads use cookie-based authentication. Assuming the current user is authenticated with Google and has appropriate permission to download the object this URLs can be used to serve the files.

from djangae.contrib.common import get_request
from djangae.environment import default_gcs_bucket_name, is_production_environment

def get_authenticated_url(file):
    request = get_request()
    query_string = f"?authuser={}" if request.user else ""
    if (is_production_environment()):
        return f"{default_gcs_bucket_name()}/{}{query_string}"
        return file.url

As you can see from the snippet ?authuser={} is added to the url. That is to handle the case where a user is signed in multiple Google accounts in the browser.

Example usage

Images in this model will be publicly accessible and stored in main bucket of application.

Allowed storage permission levels are defined in docs - XML column.

from django.db import models
from djangae import fields, storage

public_storage = storage.CloudStorage(google_acl='public-read')

class Image(models.Model):
    image_file = models.ImageField(upload_to='/somewhere/', storage=public_storage)

Blobstore is a storage backend that uses the blobstore, this may be more suitable for temporary file needs or file processing and is used as a proxy for serving files from Cloud Storage.